Has it really been two months since my last update?

Apparently, almost.

When I first started this blog back in the day, I didn’t really know where I was going with it.  Truth is, I still don’t.  It sorta started as a way for me to expound upon things I enjoy (typically sports, media, advertising, design, journalism, food, you name it) while informing friends back home what I was up to in my graduate studies in Texas.

As most of you know, I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin’s master’s program in advertising in December and then started the job hunt.  Fast forward five months, and I’m finally (yet it really didn’t feel that long) working.  But not without my fair share of excitement.  I moved 1,500 miles back home to Virginia, ate a giant piece of humble pie and conducted the majority of my job search from my parents’ living room.

Anyway, you never know when or how it’s going to work out.  I had my second interview for my current job on a Friday in mid-May, was informed that I got the job that Monday and if I accepted the job, was expected to start Wednesday.  I was crashing with my best friend at the time and barely had enough clothes with me to make it through the first week.  But considering my instantly euphoric “Oh my God, I got a job!” state, I barely noticed.

So what am I up to these days?  I am now the PR/Media Coordinator at a trade association in Washington, D.C.  Every day I learn something new and I’m given the opportunity to use the skills I learned in school in my daily work.  I have been working at my office for about a month and a half now and I’ve already been on two business trips, have helped get press coverage for some of our member companies and have had my first dabbling in crisis communications.  And since I work in an office with such a small staff I am afforded the luxury of being part of the organization’s decision making, the ability to create and tackle projects limited only by my own creativity and the opportunity to learn from such seasoned communicators and professionals.

This Wednesday I’m going on my first overnight trip where I’ll be giving a brief presentation to our Board of Directors about a cable TV project I got to be a(n infinitesimal) part of during my first week at work.  I’ve been putting my PR, journalism and advertising skills to use every day and any day now I’ll get to add graphic design and social media to the mix.  And I couldn’t be more excited about it.

Sorry if this post hasn’t been the most riveting to many of you.  But for some, you finally know what I’ve been up to lately.  If you’re in the D.C. area, you know how to find me, so let’s make time to catch up!  To everyone else:  it’s time to nag me and remind me to give you a call or send you an update.  I miss so many of you all the time.

To everyone else, this is a promise of better things coming.  I have a few blog post drafts that need tending to, but I just want you to know I haven’t completely forgotten about the blog.  And since you’ve actually read this far, what would you like me to write more about?  What topics have you enjoyed me covering in the past?

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One response to “Has it really been two months since my last update?

  1. Swang

    Welcome back! I was just about to write you an email pleading with you to restart your blogging 😉

    I loved the posts about ads you see on tv, around town — I still think my favorite post has been the one about the IHOP pancake ad bonanza (I think it had ice cream on top?)… only b/c then I actually went and ordered the aforementioned pancake bonanza.

    Keep up the great work!

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